Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone! We had an amazing year, and hope that you did too. We are so very happy to report that Lily's grandmother is now living 15 minutes away instead of 6 hours. That has made life so much more fun.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

December happenings

Lily loves her kitties--keeps snuggling into them, which they mostly put up with. We went to a baby shower for Molly and Lily had SO much fun, especially when she won a prize! We had snow last weekend, though I was much more excited than Lily. The overalls photo is from right after Thanksgiving, I think. What a pretty day to be outside. Lily loves walking over to Tina's porch to play with Landon's toys.



Lily is "talking" now. I'm sure there are sentences, I just can't figure out what she is saying!